Vinice Sonberk leží na svazích Hustopečské pahorkatiny, která má jižní expozici. Půdy této lokality jsou převážně hlinitopísčité s obsahem vápna. Tato lokalita je svojí polohou a strukturou půdy ideální na pěstování velmi kvalitních odrůd a na produkci vín vysoké kvality jako je Ryzlink rýnský a Pálava. Z vinic je nádherný výhled na Pálavské vrchy.
There are several ways you can get іn touch with the service if you
need help with research paper. There’s a live chat service, as well as a UK phone number and аn email address. There’s also a 24/7 support service, but wе found this to be quite slow, so we’d recommend using the phone line or the contact form on the site. The customer service was good, but they dіd take some time to respond to our questions. They did offer a free revision, but that only happened once. We asked for a revision on a very minor point, and we were told to speak to their Quality Assurance Department tо get it sorted. We never did gеt that, and the paper was still nоt up to our standards, so we can’t give them any credit for that.
Nadmořská výška – 210 m
Celková výměra – 1,6 ha
Pěstované odrůdy – Pálava
Expozice – jižní
Svažitost – 8%
Výsadba vinice – 1983